Ribbon Cutting at Maziply Toys and Collectibles (Owners Kerri and Scott Mazerall with their daughter, Riley).Kerri and I were blown away by the warmth and support of our friends, family and community tonight at our ribbon cutting. So many people have been a part of bringing our store from nothing to a very successful opening in only a few weeks.

Many stores take months to prepare for a proper opening, and there's absolutely no way that we could have done it in just a few weeks without the support and help from everyone.

Kerri and I would like to thank every single person that took the time to come in to show their support during our first couple of days and at the ribbon cutting ceremony that we had tonight.

Special Shout Outs from Maziply Toys & Collectibles

We'd also like to shout out to a few incredibly special people that helped make our opening something special, which is something it couldnt' have been without their help:

  • Todd and Rallin - Todd was willing to be there whenever we needed help. Todd was there helping me into the wee hours of the morning carrying the giant display cases from the old bookstore or warehouse racks from Medieval Starship. Todd and Rallin would randomly show up to offer a helping hand!
  • Medeival Starship: The ownership of Medeival Starship has become an instant friend to Maziply, even supplying us with much needed shelving for our back room and storage. They have also shown their support and have given us great advice to get a great start!
  • Tom - Tom (my Dad) is someone who would do anything for anyone and opening our new store has been no exception. He's been a big part of it all including installing lights, cleaning the place up, securing displays, entering inventory, and so much more.
  • Riley - What can I say, what better inspiration can you have for opening a toy store, than having a 3 year old daughter.
  • Riley's Grandparents - Preparing to open a store is an incredible amount of work. Pete (Granpa Boo), Sami (Mimi), Nancy (Nanya), and Tom (Papa) have been amazing: always happy to take care of Riley when we needed a little extra time preparing the store.
  • Denise - Denise Maccaferri is an amazing local photographer, who is incredibly supportive to the community. Thank you so much for being there to capture our ribbon cutting on film!
  • Joe - Joe from PR Works didn't waste a second to help us out when he learned that we were opening a store. Even though he couldn't make it to the ribbon cutting, he put together a press release and got it out there, where we've been mentioned in small local papers and online sources, as well as the big boys such as the Boston Globe.
  • Plymouth Area Chamber of Commerce - The Plymouth Chamber, as they are to everyone, have been a huge help in getting us started. They quickly got the word out there within hours of us letting them know about our new store. The ribbon cutting ceremony wouldn't have happened without them, and we are so thankful for that. A special thank you to Meaghan and Bob from the Chamber!
  • Sandy - Just wait until you see what Sandy has planned for store decorations during the holiday season! She's been hard at work coming up with some holiday cheer!
  • Our new awesome customers that have come to discover us.
  • There were so many other people that were here to help and who have offered to help as we move forward. We thank you all!

More than anyone, I want to thank my wife, Kerri, for her support in making another dream of mine come true. I'm so blessed to have her in my life and to run a new store with her!

Our Staff

We are truly blessed to have an amazing staff who have started an amazing chapter in our lives. This is all so new to us, so you each share a special place in our hearts for fulfilling a personal goal and dream of that I've had for many years. We can't thank you enough and are so happy to have you with us!

  • Colette
  • JC
  • Jim
  • Shelby

Be sure to stop in to say hi to them. They're awesome!

Thank You

We thank you all for your support in our new venture and look forward to seeing you all at the store again soon!

(Photo credit to Denise Maccaferri)
